Tuesday 12 April 2011

Evalutation Part 2

5: How did you attract/address your audience?
  • Use your knowledge of your intended target audience and evaluate how well you think you targeted them
  • Use your evaluation research (questionnaire) to see how effective you were in reaching your target audience
  • What did you put in the film to target this group (actors, music, mise-en-scene, generic conventions?)

We attracted our audience by using a common horror film genre, one that most people would have seen in the past. We also used horror film features such as a younger girl as our protagonist, a freaky setting that the audience can relate too and a plot that might be relatable to other horror films. We put a younger actor in our film to attract the audience of fifteen year olds.

6: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  • Carry out some research on www.imdb.com look at the production companies of some BRITISH horror films that are similar to yours
  • What would these companies do for your project - why would you use them or would they use you?
  • Consider distribution, exhibition and production for BRITISH films, how does your film relate?

Such companies as black and blue(www.blackandbluefilms.com) would help boost our project as it’s a very popular horror film company with a good background behind it, we could use them for extra budget as well as a good advertising source, any movies created in the future could be put through this production company.

7: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • Consider the different technologies you have used, the internet, Blogger, Imovie, Garageband how did they help you make your film?
  • Did the technologies help you be more creative?
  • Did these technologies help you exhibit your film or improve the structure or your control over the piece?

We’ve learnt about several different technologies as well as using several different technologies, with such things as the internet and Blogger we were able to present our work side of the production in a more detailed and professional way. They made our work easier to access and more creative as we had many functions to attempt to use to help present our work. Having a blog, as well as such software as iMovie and Garageband made it possible to create our own tracking music, have a twenty four seven running webpage that anyone could view, the ability to add extra work whenever we wanted as well as having the ability to improve the presentation of our work.

8: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  • Evaluate the differences between this production and your preliminary task
  • What have you learnt from your preliminary task and how did you use this to improve your Horror Film?
  • If you were to do the production again how would you do it differently?

The main differences between our preliminary task and our full production is the professional shots used in the second filming, as we learnt from our mistakes we created in the first film the second one looked a lot more better, as well as this we were able to use a lot more features on the iMovie. We also had access to garage band in the second filming meaning the tracking music actually was created for the clip, not for another movie.

9:  Final Question (Answered by all group members) - What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages? (give specific examples of what you did)

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