Wednesday 13 April 2011

Evaluation - Becy Stanley

3. Before we began our media project we took some time to look into film viewings and ratings of already existing films. We used to find the information and searched for popular known horror films. When looking at the information of the views we saw that it was fairly equal as to which gender watched them, however there were certain films which mainly females viewed, such as The Grudge (ratings shown below) and The Excorsist .


IMDB users

From doing the research our group decided to aim our horror film at females under the age of 18, and so have a film rating of 15. I then went away and did some research into what we were able to show in a film rated as 15, and found out that we weren’t able to have a lot of violence or strong language within it which worked well alongside our initial idea of the film.
When doing the research we found that males seemed to prefer ‘slasher’ films as they liked all of the blood and gore, seeing organs being brutally ripped off etc where as females seemed to much prefer psychological films as it made them feel vulnerable to whatever was out there, this was the reason we decided to create a psychological film for our assessment. To use this information to help us with our planning we decided to have a young girl as the threat as it goes against dominant ideologies, surprising the audience when they realise that the girl is the threat all along.

4. Our film represents social groups with the way we showed the middle class woman pushing her pram stopping to see if the young girl was alright and check that she would get home okay. To show this we had her dress in ordinary clothes, nothing too showy so that she wouldn’t stand out too much, as obviously the main focus wasn’t particularly on her, as it was on the girl as she was the threat. We didn’t want the girl to seem like she was obviously the threat straight away, so we had her dress in plain clothing, a cardigan and white dress, trying not to show too much of the blood straight away so that she would start off seeming like she was going to be the victim.
Typically in psychological horror films, they tend to be rather naturalistic, so that the audience can relate to it and see themselves being in the part of the victim and it happening to them. We also did this by setting it in an environment that people are used to, a local park which was easily accessible for everyone in the group to get to, this location is a place that many teenagers can relate to as it’s a common place people gather, or walk past most weeks.

9. During the process of planning the film, I helped come up with the initial idea with input from Emma, produced part of the storyboard, wrote up the shot list, helped fill in the recee sheet, helped Liam fill in parts of the pitch sheets, produced the powerpoint with Emma for our pitch, filled in the lighting and film outline sheets. During the first filming I was unable to help film and had to take part as one of the actors as our original actor was unable to make it last minute, although I helped film with Emma the second time and edit the film in class while Liam was away and unable to do so, we cut out parts we didn’t need and made the lighting darker so to look spookier. I also recorded the soundtrack and then edited it to fit the production with Emma.

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