Friday 5 November 2010

Final project

We have just finished creating our final horror film clip, but found several problems along the way; just before we needed to start deciding when we were filming, one of our group members, Becy, broke her ankle and ended up in a wheelchair for the duration, this meant that we had to fully adapt the version of the clip we chose to do so that she could access the set, rather than filming the final part in the woods, we had to use the driveway of the house we used for filming.
We also had a problem of finding a reliable actor to participate in the film, and had to rope at the very last minute which may have compromised our final mark, in the future we will have to think carefully about who we chose to take part, and make sure that they will definitely turn up for filming.

While filming we broke the 30 degree rule, because of this you can see the jump between the two different scenes. Liam who was filming forgot to flick the camera back to show an empty bathroom after the door had slammed, this means that the film doesn't make sense, when next filming we will take all of this into consideration and remember that even the smallest of clips can change the entire film.

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