Friday 8 October 2010

Continuity Exercise

Today we went out filming to practice a few shots baring continuity in mind, and the 180 degree rule.

The filming was only a practice to allow us to put our new knowledge into action; the filming was quite successful, but when beginning to edit, we soon noticed a few vital mistakes eg, Liam arrived to the top of the stairs and then began walking up again, which had to be cut, we then noticed his footing wasn't right, landing on this left foot but starting on his right (also cut). Another problem with continuity that we came across was when he checked his phone, stood at the door, but then a few seconds later, was stood right back from the door. We have left in these mistakes, so that we can come back and learn from them for next time, and when we begin shooting for our final project.

During this filming, we also had to use a range of camera shots such as, high angle, close up, low/high angle, mid-shot and over the shoulder. We didn't have many problems using the variety of angles, except when doing the mid-shot there was a problem with height difference between the actor and camera woman, next time we should make sure to use the tripod so that this doesn't happen again.

At 5 seconds 20, Liam stops walking and faces the door, the next shot is of him checking his phone, but is no longer facing the door making the continuity wrong.

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