Friday 22 October 2010

Shipley Park

Our filming location is Shipley Park, Heanor. We are using this location as it's open to the public and is a location that is close enough to everyone involved, even though this location is open to the public, there are many places that we could use which would be great for the movie we are creating.

The weather for next week will be suitable for filming as well.

Shot list and Storyboard for 40 second clip

Friday 15 October 2010

Test Video - Working with a different group.

 This week, I worked with another group as they were missing a member and I was missing one too. The video below is using all different types of shops while still having a scene or scenario. In this video, there are multiple shots from all different angles to show what skill level we have and how we understand continuety. There were only two problems in this video, the watch faces the wrong way when looked at and when skipping down the hill we had to move as there were too many things that were in the way of the shot. Because of this, you can notice where we jog/skip into the field is a different location to where we set off originally.

Chosen Movie

I have chosen the movie Gabe Eilidh to use at our 30-40 second filming shot. I have scanned through the whole movie and chose a small chunk out of it that we could use. This small chunk includes several camera shots from one second to twelve seconds. Also, as we are a group of two, the chosen part of the film won't be too difficult on actors as it only includes one person followed by the camera.

We have chosen to use 1:18-1:58 from the film to use on our own project. I have chosen this as this contains part of the climax of the film making it exciting and confusing at the same time.

Friday 8 October 2010

Stalker video

Before we began to film, we had a problem with the amount of members in our group, because of only having two members in our group we had to pull in a few friends that knew had a free session at that time. We now had the problem of them either being too busy to help us or reluctant. 

When finally persuading the actors to be filmed, we came across a few minor problems with the position of the actors. We filmed in parts as we didn't know about the master shot rules. After learning about the master shot, we would now know that we have to film all the way through and then go back to re-film.

Continuity Exercise

Today we went out filming to practice a few shots baring continuity in mind, and the 180 degree rule.

The filming was only a practice to allow us to put our new knowledge into action; the filming was quite successful, but when beginning to edit, we soon noticed a few vital mistakes eg, Liam arrived to the top of the stairs and then began walking up again, which had to be cut, we then noticed his footing wasn't right, landing on this left foot but starting on his right (also cut). Another problem with continuity that we came across was when he checked his phone, stood at the door, but then a few seconds later, was stood right back from the door. We have left in these mistakes, so that we can come back and learn from them for next time, and when we begin shooting for our final project.

During this filming, we also had to use a range of camera shots such as, high angle, close up, low/high angle, mid-shot and over the shoulder. We didn't have many problems using the variety of angles, except when doing the mid-shot there was a problem with height difference between the actor and camera woman, next time we should make sure to use the tripod so that this doesn't happen again.

At 5 seconds 20, Liam stops walking and faces the door, the next shot is of him checking his phone, but is no longer facing the door making the continuity wrong.